Sunday, February 24, 2008

Life in the Fast Lane

Or something like that anyway, living the Imperial Life isn't easy after all, it takes discipline, patience, and the ability to sit and play games like Bubble Bobble for hours on end. Yeah, that's was the highlight of the day back here at Imperial HQ. In addition, we had church, dinner, and some insane Super Mario Brothers madness with even Darkside taking up the wiimote to play a really good round through world 4-3.

On a more personal note, I cleaned my room up a bit and watched a couple of episodes of the excellent anime Genshiken. A must for any anime geek, or geek in general. The show has to do with going to college with a love of gaming, anime, model building, and everything dorky. Oh yeah.

And that's about it, Booster is now entertaining himself with some Mii making on the Mii channel, today has definitely been the day of the Wii. Nintendo Power.