Saturday, June 26, 2010

A right and a wrong way

So, something that keeps on coming back to me, and that I feel like putting down here for all to read.  One day I was happily dishing up my dinner, when in horror I looked at my plate and thought aloud, "Gosh, I didn't put my food on my plate right, all the white is right next to each other, there's no color to make it interesting." To which my mother, who for a lot of her life has worked as a food stylist, responded, "Oh no... I've raised my children in a way that makes them think there's a right and a wrong way to put your food on your plate."

The only way I could respond to that was, "Isn't there?" as I rearranged my food to include some nice grated red ginger and green onion slices to the mass of white, and some vegetables between. My mother, after some thought, and a bit resignedly, responded, "Yeah, I guess so..."

Nope, not a moral to this story, just a bit of maybe-interesting insight.