Saturday, March 1, 2008

Another Day in Paradise

Finding a drive is a difficult thing to do sometimes, we're only human after all, but it's what keeps us going from day to day, the thing that keeps us focused and moving forward, sometimes I worry that I've lost sight of mine, but hey, that's life for now, it'll show up sooner or later. Almost another week has gone by, and I've yet to figure out if anything worthwhile has happened, and remember if there was anything I was looking forward to other than just checking off another week on the calendar. Things have been pretty slow, work, school, and more or less life in general, with little to break it up or shoot for. Yup, that's worrisome for a person.

Shooting for long term goals is simple, you decide on what you want in the distant future and tell yourself that's what will happen, but without the little goals driving us forward it becomes less a goal, and more an unrealistic dream. The world keeps on turning around, and even if every day we remind ourselves of the big picture, if the details aren't fleshed out then it really defeats the purpose, and we end up somehow settling on a horizon line with a stick figure on it rather than the masterpiece we imagine our lives becoming. I think most of us are guilty from time to time of losing sight of the details, maybe more than we'd like to imagine.

If we can't find something worthwhile every week, and if we can't find something to look forward to in the coming week, I think we need to re evaluate what's going on and where we're going to. Consistently uneventful days and weeks turn all too quickly into uneventful years, and in extreme cases, even a completely uneventful life. Every person is different, so there's no real cut and dry way to define a solution, only to suggest finding what makes you yourself tick, and turning that into goals and personal drive. It's my suggestion, not just to anybody who reads this, but to myself, to find what drive we can in every day, to set goals for the little things, which in turn help make the big things fall right into place.

What's my own personal goal for this week? Well, find a goal for next week that can create a personal drive, something to look forward to, and follow through on it.


Connie Babe said...

very timely for me.

think i'll reread it from time to time.

thank you!

brittany michelle said...

good thought. i might use it to shape a character in one of my books. unless you object.

Josh said...

Connie, you're welcome, I'm glad that it's a helpful post, it's something I've been considering a bit lately while I'm up at night.

Britt, no objections from me, feel free to use whatever you'd like. My only request here is that you share your results with me, reading your work is always a pleasure.