Saturday, July 26, 2008

Remember that one time?

Well, because I try to keep the rules on these things, and I posted on the good ol' Jay Bon Goh blog under this activity, here goes nothing.

As a comment here on the blog, leave one memory that you and I have shared, regardless of how well or how little you knew me at the time, just about everything is fair game, so long as you remember it, and I at least have a vague recollection of it...

Next, repost the basic instructions on your own blog and see what turns up. You may be surprised, you may not, but in general, memories with friends are never bad things to dig up every now and again, heck, maybe you'll even find something to jot down in the dusty old journal.


Connie Babe said...

I remember those great pictures you drew for me for YW camp last year.

I still have them on my computer.

And my picture is on the fridge. :D

Thank you for that.

Jaycey said...

Um, I have about 407 of them, but this was the first one that came to mind.

It was when those dumpsters were on our street for a few days.

We were on our way home from Arby's when Kim and I saw you, Jacob and your dad doing yard work.

So we decided to have a picnic on your sidewalk.

We walked down the street with our food and a blanket, we sat down and started eating.

You guys didn't even mind.


Mama Greer said...

Remember that one time when I had hamburgers at your house? Yeah..that was a good hamburger..

Jaycey said...

Those were some pretty awesome burgers...

Krista said...

Um... lots to pick from.
Do you remember the first time we danced together?
It was the New Year's region dance. I asked you and you said something along the lines of it being awkward. We danced anyways.

I remember that you had your trench coat and I'm betting I was in my purple dress. That was the best dress ever. I wish I could still fit in it.