Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Thought of the Moment, a short consideration of Reality and Perception

I have many pages of notes taken on this subject, and many hours of thought, logged throughout my thinking life. Is there such a thing as a pure reality?  Unbiased, uninterpreted, pure.  So far as I can tell, no.  What we call reality, is in fact, specifically relative to each human being, with perhaps a broader sense of reality able to be applied to more instinctual creatures per each societal group.

Our perceptions are the filters through which our reality must flow.  Indeed, there is no method of intake, which I'm aware of, through which we can purely capture the world around us.  Our five physical senses are not filters, the abilities to feel, see, hear, taste, and smell, but are our primary intakes of the world, and all it has to offer.  Our experiences, our memories, thought processes, likes, dislikes, mental state, et cetera, all of things are filters. If we accept that these several things filter our intake, that no two people can share exactly the same filters, though many are similar, and that the combination of intake and filter create our reality, no two realities are the same.

What I've referred to as filters, can also be regarded as the building blocks of individuality, and more specifically personality.